When the Wage becomes a Grant (Al Ajr-ul Mamnun)

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the universes, Allah’s Blessing and Peacefulness be upon the Noblest of the Messengers, our Master and Mawlana Muhammad, his family, his companions and his progeny till the day of Judgment.

When Allah (SWT) made as Duty whatever He ordained on His servants, He obliged them to perform it and kindly granted them reward (Thawab) for doing it.  He (SWT) rewarded His servants even though when a servant obeys his Master he normally does not get wage (Ajr) for doing just that, as he is wholly owned by his master.  It is certainly a pure and surplus favor if the master grants his servant a wage in compensation for the work he has done.  We usually do not think of this relationship with Allah, as we always count the credits we deserve for our good deeds as if we were not His servants.

Further more, if we were to be asked whether we are servants or not, our answer would be affirmative! Moreover, if we were asked if we deserve a wage for our good deeds, we would say yes! It is obvious that these two replies are antagonistic.

Because a servant does not deserve a wage, then whoever deserves a wage is not a true servant.  Allah says in the Quran “Ya Ayyouha Aladhena Amanu Lima Takoulouna Ma La Tafa’aloun, Kabura Maqtan E’nd Allah An Takoulou Ma La Tafa’aloun” which means (O you who believe! Why do you say that which you do not? Grievously odious is in the sight of Allah that you say that which you do not).

In addition to this Quranic verse, the Prophet (SAAW) said what could mean, “None of you would enter paradise on the merit of his deeds.  The companions asked, are you- O Messenger of Allah included as well?  The Prophet (SAAW) said: yes, unless Allah (SWT) conceals me with His Mercy).

The Messenger of Allah (SAAW) denied to be deserving any wage, merit or Paradise cause he knew himself to be the true and complete servant of Allah (Al A’bd Lil-Allah), and we are required to follow the Messenger of Allah’s example as stated in the Quran “Lakad Kana Lakum Fi Rasul-i Allah Oswatun Hasana Liman Kana Yarju Allah Wal Youm Al-Kkhir, Wa Dhakara Allah Kathiran”, which means (You have indeed in The Messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern of conduct for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Final Day, and who engages much in the remembrance of Allah).

The previously mentioned Hadeeth (Prophetic narration) is another proof that “Wage” is given to only a Freeman (Hur).  The Messenger told his companions that no believer who knows he is a servant to Allah should ask his Master for wage or compensation for his acts of worship.  The wage for doing good deeds is not good enough as a dowry or price to get even the lowest rank in Paradise.

Because the favor is in Allah’s hand (SWT), it follows that there are two different types of Wage: the Unfailing Wage (Ajr Ghayr Mamnun), and the Granted Wage (Ajr Mamnun).  The Unfailing Wage is when Allah blots out the sins, in other words, it is a reward for the servant’s good deeds, etc. 
The Granted Wage is an undeserved reward given to those who had not done any or enough good deeds, yet by Allah’s Grace, they are allowed to enter and dwell in His Paradise.

Dear reader, do you share with us the opinion that a servant does not deserve any wage from his master who bought him with his money?  It is even more relevant when The Master is the servant’s Creator who fashioned him in due proportion, and gave him a just bias. “Ya Auha Al-Insan Ma Gharaka Bi-Rabbika-l Karim Al-ladhi Khalakaka Fa Saw-waka Fa’dalaka Fi Ay Surah Ma-Shaa Rak-kabak”, which means (O man! What has seduced you from your Lord Most Beneficent?  Him who created you, fashioned you in due proportions, and gave you a just bias; in whatever Form He wills, does He put you together). Verily Allah, The Most Glorious, says the Truth.

There is no Power or Might except with Allah.

The Editor : Original Arabic text in Al-Behira Wal-Akalim Journal- Issue # 222