It’s up to you! Ar-Rai Lakum

In the Name of Allah Most Merciful, Most compassionate.  Praise be to Allah The Most Merciful The Most Compassionate, Lord of the worlds.  Allah’s Blessings & Salutations be upon the master of the forbears (Al-Aw-walin) and the descendents (Al-Akherin), and upon his family. companions and their righteous followers to the Day of Judgment.   
During a good blessed meeting that included many persons of high caliber in knowledge and culture, one of the attendees put forward a question rather a judgment that Television is prohibited (Haram) and watching Television is prohibited…..
Too much argument followed regarding permissibility (Hel) and prohibition (Hurmah).  None of the attendees was a specialized scholar, then a person suggested displaying a female donkey on a Television screen and a male donkey let watch the screen while its behavior is monitored. Someone said the male donkey would do nothing as it watches the female since it was only a picture.  Another person responded to this opinion by saying: If the donkey recognized that it was a picture and made a distinction between a picture and reality, then a human being who has the gift of reason from Allah and the ability to differentiate should know better. Another man said that the donkey would act as if the picture was real.  A third man said responded to that by saying that if the donkey acts like this it would be because it is a donkey that could not differentiate!
Dear reader, since there were no scholars in the meeting to act as a final reference, what is your opinion?
There is no measure or power except with Allah the All-Mighty.

Original Arabic text in Behira Wal-Akalim Journal- Issue #241